Period, Frequency and Wavelength

12PHYS - Wave Systems

Finn Le Sueur


Mahi Tuatahi

The period is very closely linked to the frequency as you can see from their definitions. There is a very simple formula for converting between them:

\[ \begin{aligned} T &= \frac{1}{f} \newline f &= \frac{1}{T} \end{aligned} \]

  1. Give the name and unit for \(T\) and \(f\).
  2. Red light has a frequency of \(430THz\), what is its period?
  3. Microwaves use a type of light with a period of approximately 4.0816327x10^{-10}s. What is its frequency?

Learning Outcomes

  1. Be able to use the frequency-period relationship.
  2. Be able to use the wave equation.

The Wave Equation

We can also relate the velocity, frequency, and wavelength with the wave equation:

\[ \begin{aligned} v &= f\lambda \end{aligned} \]

Label each part of this equation with its name and unit.


Mathieu is surfing at Taylors Mistake and decides to count the waves. He notices that 3 waves pass him over 60s.

  1. What is the period of the waves?
  2. What is the frequency of the waves?
  3. A lifeguard measures the velocity of the waves to \(300cms^{-1}\). What is their wavelength?


  1. What is the frequency of the waves?
  2. What is the period of the wave?
  3. What is their wavelength?
    \(v=f\lambda, \lambda=\frac{v}{f}=\frac{3}{0.05}=60m\)

Ngohe / Task
