12PHY - Wave Systems
Finn Le Sueur
Assumption: The angle \(\theta\) is small, therefore \(\theta \approx \frac{x}{L}\)
This assumption lets us formulate this equation which we can use to calculate a variety of things:
\[ \begin{aligned} pd &= \frac{dx}{L} \end{aligned} \]
pd = path difference
d = distance between the slits
x =
distance of the fringe (bright spot) from the center
L = distance
between slits and screen
\[ \begin{aligned} pd &= \frac{dx}{L} \newline \text{Rearranging for x and substiting $pd = n\lambda$:} \newline x &= \frac{n\lambda L}{d} \end{aligned} \]
All this futzing leaves us with a series of formula:
\[ \begin{aligned} pd &= n\lambda \text{ antinodes} \newline pd &= (n- \frac{1}{2})\lambda \text{ nodes} \newline pd &= \frac{dx}{L} \newline \text{OR} \newline pd &= dsin(\theta) \newline &\text{ \^ assumes } \theta \approx \theta ' \end{aligned} \]