Doppler Source
12PHYS - Wave Systems
Finn Le Sueur
Mahi Tuatahi
P3.3 Worksheet #4 Q2a, b
Doppler Skill 2: Finding \(v_{s}\)
This is relatively straightforward when \(f\) and \(f'\) are known. It becomes more
challenging when you do not have both of these variables – we will
address this later.
& f' = f\frac{v_{w}}{v_{w} \pm v_{s}}
- Identify when you are in a \(+\) or a \(-\) situtation,
- Substitute your knowns,
- Simplify and re-arrange to
Pātai: The Airport
Cameron is watching a plane by the airport. Its engines emit sound at
\(2000Hz\); the speed of sound in air
is \(330ms^{-1}\).
- He hears a frequency of \(2500Hz\) as it approaches him. What is the
velocity of the plane?
- He hears a frequency of \(1250Hz\) as it has passed him. What is the
velocity of the plane?
Pātai: Doppler
- A Doppler ultrasound is used to measure the flow of
blood in blood vessels. This can be used to help find blood clots or
constricted vessels. The ultrasound operates at \(4MHz\) and the speed of sound in
flesh/blood is around \(1500ms^{-1}\).
- If the return frequency is \(4,005,073.09Hz\), calculate the
velocity of the blood towards the device.
Fast Finishers: P3.3 Worksheet #4 Q1a, b