Welcome to 12PHY
12PHY - Weclome
Finn Le Sueur
Welcome to 2021!
- Mechanics
- 6 L2 Credits (1 weeks, external)
- Electricity
- 6 L2 Credits (8 weeks, external)
- Waves
- 4 L3 Credits (7 weeks, external)
- Nuclear Physics
- 3 L2 Credits (3 weeks, internal)
How Does Physics Work?
- Four periods a week
- Tutorials twice a week: Wed & Fri @lunch in A3
- You must bring a calculator.
Phones are not allowed in class.
- Physics requires individual practice, you cannot
learn it by watching me or your friends. You must do the problems
- Homework is issued weekly
- Exams are three questions long, you will get at
least one question a week to do. Should take you a maximum of 30
- Attend the tutorials if you need help!
- Complete homework in your exercise book.
- Homework comes in three steps:
- Attempting the question
- Marking your attempt
- Re-doing/fixing/improving your attempt
Collect your homework booklet.