Many thanks to Miss Jordyn Saddler and Miss Anna
Morrison who have done most of the putting-together of this evening, and
many thanks to David Patterson the rest of the school for their support
in this evening.
The Plan for Tonight
Intro to the telescope and lunar eclipses
Make sure you’re rugged up with a hot drink
Head out onto Top Field to view the moon &
Whātata Whakaata / The Telescope
Last year we were fortunate enough to have a
telescope funded in part by the Science Department, and in part by the
whānau of Cashmere High
We are using this telescope to support in the
education of our Y12 and Y13 Earth and Space students, as well as making
it available for our juniors in the Y9 Space unit!
Tonight is its inaugural outing
Pātai: Who has used a telescope
Pātai: Who has seen a lunar
eclipse before?
How it Works
Light enters the top of the telescope
It is reflected off the primary (large) mirror at
the base of the telescope
It is then re-directed by a secondary mirror and
focussed through a series of lenses for your viewing pleasure through
the eyepiece