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Cashmere High Star Party

Nau mai, Haere Mai! 🔗

The Plan for Tonight 🔗

  1. Intro to the telescope and lunar eclipses (now)
  2. Make sure you’re rugged up with a hot drink
  3. Head out onto Top Field to view the moon & stars

Whātata Whakaata / The Telescope 🔗

How it Works 🔗

  1. Light enters the top of the telescope
  2. It is reflected off the primary (large) mirror at the base of the telescope
  3. It is then re-directed by a secondary mirror and focussed through a series of lenses for your viewing pleasure through the eyepiece

Using the Telescope 🔗


Pōunga / Lunar Eclipses 🔗


Let’s Go! 🔗