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New Zealand Volcanoes

Akoranga 11 Mahi Tuatahi 🔗

  1. Collect a terms/definitions match-up from the front
  2. Cut up the terms/definitions
  3. Glue them into your book in the correct order
  4. Put all un-crumpled excess paper in the recycling bin

Te Whāinga Ako 🔗

  1. Dome, caldera, cone and shield volcanoes - what each looks like, linked to an example and the type of magma it has.

Head up a new page with the date and te whāinga ako.

Volcanoes in New Zealand 🔗




Shield Volcanoes (Basalt) 🔗


Caldera and Dome Volcanoes 🔗

Calera Volcanoes (Rhyolite) 🔗


Dome Volcanoes 🔗


Cone Volcanoes (Andesite) 🔗


Rangahau/Research 🔗

  1. Cut out each of the images of the NZ volcanoes. Glue into your book and label - 2 per page
  2. Next to/underneath your images, write:

NB: Use your device + textbook pages to help