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Exam Strategies

The Exam 🔗

Breaking Down a Question 🔗

Suggested Topics 🔗

Planning 🔗

1. Tectonic Plates & Convection Currents

[Your full answer here, leave lots of space]

2019 Q1 Bullet 1 🔗

2. Mantle-Crust Interaction & Volcano Formation

[Your full answer here, leave lots of space]

2019 Q1 Bullet 2 🔗

3. Magma Type & Characteristics

[Your full answer here, leave lots of space]

2019 Q1 Bullet 3 🔗

4. Eruption Stages & Landscape Features

[Your full answer here, leave lots of space]

Diagram 🔗

Illustrate what is happening with the crust, tectonic plates, mantle, and core to cause the volcanoes. E.g.:
