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Meteorite Investigation / Matakōkiri Tūhura

Learning Outcomes / Ngā Whāinga Ako 🔗

  1. State the differences between meteorites, meteoroids, meteors & other celestial bodies
  2. Identify differences in the composition of meteorites
  3. Discuss how meteorite impacts may have been a source of liquid water on Earth
  4. Describe factors that affect the size and shape of an impact crater
  5. Recall key terminology around meteorites
  6. Identify how the formation of impact craters differs on Earth, the Moon & Mars
  7. Make links to important ideas around meteorites and the mass extinction of dinosaurs
  8. Explain why meteorites are found easily in Antarctica
  9. Complete research on factors that affect impact craters
  10. Write a purpose for an investigation and formulate a hypothesis based on prior knowledge
  11. Carry out an investigation that is a fair test, a pattern-seeking investigation, or an investigation that has aspects of both.
  12. Write a step-by-step method and evaluate the validity of that method
  13. Collect valid and reliable data in an ESS context
  14. Process data in a table, calculate averages and draw a graph
  15. Write a conclusion and explain the findings using the properties of lava and findings from others.
  16. Can make links between collected data and important scientific ideas
  17. Keep an up-to-date logbook & data collection sheet

Slides / Ngā Kirita🔗

  1. Report Writing (Slides, PDF)
  2. Energy Transformations (Slides, PDF)

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Unit Plan / Mahere Kōwae 🔗

Week 1Teacher Only DayMeteors, Meteoroids & MeteoritesAsteroidsCocoa & Flour Whakamātau
Week 2Impact Craters on EarthMoon, Mars & Earth ImpactsWaitangi DayDinosaurs Extinction & Implications (Leave)
Week 3Dinosaurs (Leave)Independent, Dependent & Control Variables (Leave)Catch-UpASSESSMENT (Leave)
Week 4Scientific Method & Egg WhakamātauASSESSMENTASSESSMENTASSESSMENT

Lesson Plans 🔗

  1. Meteors, Meteorites, Meteoroids 🔗

    • Te Whāinga Ako
      • State the differences between meteorites, meteoroids, meteors & other celestial bodies
  2. Composition of Meteorites 🔗

    • Te Whāinga Ako
      • Identify differences in the composition of meteorites
  3. Entering the Atmosphere 🔗

    • Te Whāinga Ako
      • Describe factors that affect the size and shape of an impact crater
  4. Energy Transformations 🔗

  5. Conservation of Energy and Impact Craters on Earth 🔗

    • Ngā Whāinga Ako
      • Identify the formation of impact craters on Earth
      • Explain why meteorites are found easily in Antarctica
    • Ngohe
      • Finish video on asteroids to worry about
      • Notes on conservation of energy/impact energy
      • Google Earth tour
      • Quizizz
  6. Impact Craters in Space 🔗

    • Te Whāinga Ako
      • Identify how the formation of impact craters differs on Earth, the Moon & Mars
  7. Dinosaurs Extinction 🔗

    • Te Whāinga Ako
      • Make links to important ideas around meteorites and the mass extinction of dinosaurs
  8. Dinosaurs Extinction Part 2 🔗

    • Te Whāinga Ako
      • Make links to important ideas around meteorites and the mass extinction of dinosaurs
  9. Water on Earth & Scientific Method 🔗

    • Ngā Whāinga Ako
      • Discuss how meteorite impacts may have been a source of liquid water on Earth
      • Write a purpose for an investigation and formulate a hypothesis based on prior knowledge
      • Write a step-by-step method and evaluate the validity of that method
  10. Scientific Method Part 2 🔗

    • Ngā Whāinga Ako
      • Process data in a table, calculate averages and draw a graph
      • Collect valid and reliable data in an ESS context
  11. Scientific Method Part 3 🔗

    • Ngā Whāinga Ako
      • Process data in a table, calculate averages and draw a graph
      • Write a conclusion and explain the findings using prior knowledge/research.
      • Can make links between collected data and important scientific ideas
  12. Practice Write-Up & Feedback 🔗

    • Te Whāinga Ako
  13. Feedback Day 2 🔗

    • Te Whāinga Ako
      • Obtain feedback for the assessment.
  14. Validity, Reliability and Accuracy 🔗

    • Ngā Whāinga Ako
      • Carry out an investigation that is a fair test, a pattern-seeking investigation, or an investigation that has aspects of both.
      • Write a step-by-step method and evaluate the validity of that method
  15. Assessment Prep Day 1 🔗

    • Te Whāinga Ako
  16. Assessment Prep Day 2 🔗

    • Te Whāinga Ako
  17. Assessment Day 1 🔗

    • Te Whāinga Ako
  18. Assessment Day 2 🔗

    • Te Whāinga Ako
  19. Assessment Day 3 🔗

    • Te Whāinga Ako
  20. Assessment Day 4 🔗

    • Te Whāinga Ako

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