To describe a precipitate and recall what happens
in a precipitation reaction.
The video before shows us a few very important things:
Ionic bonding
Word formulas
Symbol formulas
Precipitation reaction
Precipitation Reaction
A precipitation reaction is where two reactants
swap partners and a solid is formed.
You will need to use your solubility rules on your
sheet to predict the solid.
All other products/reactants are aqueous (aq).
\(AB + CD \longrightarrow
AC + BD\)
Doing A Precipitation
Achieved: A word equation
Merit: A balanced symbol
Excellence: Predicting the
precipitate (solubility rules)
Write a word equation, symbol equation and predict the precipitate
for this reaction.
More Practice
This video demonstrates three more precipitation reactions. For each,
write an observation that would indicate to you that a precipitation
reaction is occurring, then a word and symbol equation and
predict/explain the precipitate with your solubility rules.