Learning Outcomes / Ngā Whāinga Ako 🔗
- To recall the symbols of the common elements in the periodic table
- To recall what happens in a chemical reaction and evidence for it happening
- To explain the difference between an element and a compound
- To describe what happens in a combination reaction
- To describe a precipitate and recall what happens in a precipitation reaction
- To describe what happens in a decomposition reaction
- To describe what happens in a displacement reaction
- To recall the test for carbon dioxide using limewater
- To predict and give examples of each type of chemical reaction
- To write word equations to show a chemical reaction
- To write symbol equations to show a chemical reaction with symbols of state (g, l s or ag)
- To work out the formula of a compound using the swap and drop method
- To balance symbol equations
Slides / Ngā Kirita🔗
- Review of the Atom (Slides, PDF)
- Periodic Table (Slides, PDF)
- Ionic Compounds (Slides, PDF)
- Writing Equations (Slides, PDF)
- Precipitation Reactions (Slides, PDF)
- Displacement Reactions (Slides, PDF)
- Combination Reactions (Slides, PDF)
- Decomposition Reactions (Slides, PDF)
- Assessment Tips (Slides, PDF)
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Unit Plan / Mahere Kōwae 🔗
Monday | Tuesday | Thursday | Friday | |
T2 W10 | 1. Review of the Atom | 2. P-Table & Electrons | 3. Compounds | TOD |
T2 W11 | 4. Compounds & Electron Transfer | 5. Writing Equations | 6. Precipitation Reactions | 7. Ionic Compounds |
T2 W12 | 8. Precipitation Reactions | 9. Displacement Reactions | 10. Combination Reactions | 11. Displacement Whakamātau |
T3 W1 | 12. Decomposition Reactions | 13. Decomposition Whakamātau | 14. Gas Tests | 15. Practice Assessment |
T3 W2 | 16. Practice Assessment | 17. Revision & Feedback | Assessment | TOD |
T3 W3 | 18. Assessment | 19. Assessment | Genetics Revision | Genetics Revision |
Lesson Plans / Ngā Mahere Akoranga 🔗
- Review of the Atom
- Intro to the unit
- Review of the atom notes/worksheet + ngā kirita for backup
- Periodic Table & Electrons
- Worksheet
- Ionic Compounds
- Mahi Tuatahi: Form into table groups and find out the name of each ion in a column and compile them on the board (project the table)
- Copy other groups names onto your own table
- Notes on atoms vs ions using diagrams and electron shell configurations
- Notes on creating ionic compounds
- Use whiteboards in table groups to make compounds as a quiz/speed game
- Ionic Compounds
- Finish quiz/speed game
- Ionic compounds Quizlet
- Writing formulae worksheet #1
- Writing Equations
- Video on ionic compounds
- Talk about electron exchange
- Notes on writing equations
- Precipitation Reactions
- Mahi Tuatahi: writing word equation
- Notes on precipitation reactions
- Practice tauria forming lead iodide
- Ionic Compounds
- Need to do more practice with ionic compounds.
- Mahi Tuatahi: write a word and symbol equation for a precipitation reaction
- Do CAR’s ‘knobs and holes’ card match activity
- Do ionic compound Battleships
- Precipitation Reactions
- Mahi Tuatahi: Describe a precipitation reaction (equation, observations, and a word equation)
- Whakamātau: Precipitation Challenge
- Displacement Reactions
- Mahi Tuatahi: Recap precipitation reactions
- Notes and tauria on displacement reactions
- Combination Reactions
- Mahi Tuatahi: Displacement reactions question
- Notes and tauria on combination reactions
- Education Perfect task on reactions?
- Displacement Whakamātau
- Decomposition Reactions
- Mahi Tuatahi reviewing previous reaction types
- Notes & video on decomposition reactions
- Issue research assignment, explain it and give them the period to work on it
- Decomposition Reactions Whakamātau
- Do the mahi tuatahi from the notes which wasn’t done in 13.
- https://www.riskassess.co.nz/risk_assessment/8323191
- Whakamātau: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1unjjfmfy7Xv74AHvVPbJpdXAqNialWporSM26jtDcXA/edit
- Gas Tests
- Instruct students to make notes in their books as they go through each whakamātau
- Notes should include success criteria and a diagram for how to set up the whakamātau
- Gas tests whakamātaus
- Fill in notes on gas tests in the research document if time.
- Practice Test
- Issue booklet for practice assessment
- https://pūtaiao.lesueur.nz/11sci/as90947/slides/assessment-tips.html
- Go through how the assessment will work
- Make predictions & complete word/symbol equations before starting whakamātau work
- https://www.riskassess.co.nz/risk_assessment/8368055
- Continue Practice Test
- Feedback/Compare & Contrast
- Give class-wide feedback on how to improve (assessment tips in ngā kirita)
- Split the class into two:
- One part learns how to do the excellence compare and contrast
- Other part continues work on their research documents & revises for the actual test
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