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Chemical Reactions / Tauhohe Matū

Learning Outcomes / Ngā Whāinga Ako 🔗

  1. To recall the symbols of the common elements in the periodic table
  2. To recall what happens in a chemical reaction and evidence for it happening
  3. To explain the difference between an element and a compound
  4. To describe what happens in a combination reaction
  5. To describe a precipitate and recall what happens in a precipitation reaction
  6. To describe what happens in a decomposition reaction
  7. To describe what happens in a displacement reaction
  8. To recall the test for carbon dioxide using limewater
  9. To predict and give examples of each type of chemical reaction
  10. To write word equations to show a chemical reaction
  11. To write symbol equations to show a chemical reaction with symbols of state (g, l s or ag)
  12. To work out the formula of a compound using the swap and drop method
  13. To balance symbol equations

Slides / Ngā Kirita🔗

  1. Review of the Atom (Slides, PDF)
  2. Periodic Table (Slides, PDF)
  3. Ionic Compounds (Slides, PDF)
  4. Writing Equations (Slides, PDF)
  5. Precipitation Reactions (Slides, PDF)
  6. Displacement Reactions (Slides, PDF)
  7. Combination Reactions (Slides, PDF)
  8. Decomposition Reactions (Slides, PDF)
  9. Assessment Tips (Slides, PDF)

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Unit Plan / Mahere Kōwae 🔗

T2 W101. Review of the Atom2. P-Table & Electrons3. CompoundsTOD
T2 W114. Compounds & Electron Transfer5. Writing Equations6. Precipitation Reactions7. Ionic Compounds
T2 W128. Precipitation Reactions9. Displacement Reactions10. Combination Reactions11. Displacement Whakamātau
T3 W112. Decomposition Reactions13. Decomposition Whakamātau14. Gas Tests15. Practice Assessment
T3 W216. Practice Assessment17. Revision & FeedbackAssessmentTOD
T3 W318. Assessment19. AssessmentGenetics RevisionGenetics Revision

Lesson Plans / Ngā Mahere Akoranga 🔗

  1. Review of the Atom
    • Intro to the unit
    • Review of the atom notes/worksheet + ngā kirita for backup
  2. Periodic Table & Electrons
    • Worksheet
  3. Ionic Compounds
    • Mahi Tuatahi: Form into table groups and find out the name of each ion in a column and compile them on the board (project the table)
    • Copy other groups names onto your own table
    • Notes on atoms vs ions using diagrams and electron shell configurations
    • Notes on creating ionic compounds
    • Use whiteboards in table groups to make compounds as a quiz/speed game
  4. Ionic Compounds
    • Finish quiz/speed game
    • Ionic compounds Quizlet
    • Writing formulae worksheet #1
  5. Writing Equations
    • Video on ionic compounds
    • Talk about electron exchange
    • Notes on writing equations
  6. Precipitation Reactions
    • Mahi Tuatahi: writing word equation
    • Notes on precipitation reactions
    • Practice tauria forming lead iodide
  7. Ionic Compounds
    • Need to do more practice with ionic compounds.
    • Mahi Tuatahi: write a word and symbol equation for a precipitation reaction
    • Do CAR’s ‘knobs and holes’ card match activity
    • Do ionic compound Battleships
  8. Precipitation Reactions
    • Mahi Tuatahi: Describe a precipitation reaction (equation, observations, and a word equation)
    • Whakamātau: Precipitation Challenge
  9. Displacement Reactions
    • Mahi Tuatahi: Recap precipitation reactions
    • Notes and tauria on displacement reactions
  10. Combination Reactions
    • Mahi Tuatahi: Displacement reactions question
    • Notes and tauria on combination reactions
    • Education Perfect task on reactions?
  11. Displacement Whakamātau
  12. Decomposition Reactions
    • Mahi Tuatahi reviewing previous reaction types
    • Notes & video on decomposition reactions
    • Issue research assignment, explain it and give them the period to work on it
  13. Decomposition Reactions Whakamātau
  14. Gas Tests
    • Instruct students to make notes in their books as they go through each whakamātau
    • Notes should include success criteria and a diagram for how to set up the whakamātau
    • Gas tests whakamātaus
    • Fill in notes on gas tests in the research document if time.
  15. Practice Test
    • Issue booklet for practice assessment
    • https://pū
    • Go through how the assessment will work
    • Make predictions & complete word/symbol equations before starting whakamātau work
  16. Continue Practice Test
  17. Feedback/Compare & Contrast
    • Give class-wide feedback on how to improve (assessment tips in ngā kirita)
    • Split the class into two:
      • One part learns how to do the excellence compare and contrast
      • Other part continues work on their research documents & revises for the actual test

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