Maths Skills

11SCI - Mechanics

Finn Le Sueur



  • Do not round a number if you are going to use it in another calculation
  • You can round answers to 2 decimal places

What does \(\epsilon 3\) mean on the calculator?

  • \(1\epsilon 3\) is the calculator’s way of writing \(1 \times 10^{3}\)
  • Similarly, \(\epsilon -3\) means \(\times 10^{-3}\)
  • This is called scientific form.
    • \(1\epsilon +3 = 1 \times 10^{3} = 1,000\) you move the decimal place right
    • \(1\epsilon -3 = 1 \times 10^{-3} = 0.001\) you move the decimal place left
  • Never write \(\epsilon\) in your equations. Always use \(\times 10^{x}\)