Changing Temperature

11SCI - Chemical Tūhura

Finn Le Sueur


Ngā Whāinga Ako

  • To be able to describe what a change in temperature means
  • To be able to describe the collision theory impacts of temperature
  • To be able to carry out a change of temperature reaction

Particle Theory

  • This theory gives us the model of matter as a series of atoms with energy
  • The greater the energy they posses, the more they vibrate and move around
  • The lowest energy particles tend to be solids (not moving, but vibrating)
  • The middle are liquids (freely moving past each other)
  • The highest are gasses (filling the volume of a container)


  • To give matter energy, we heat it up
  • This heat energy is seen as kinetic energy for individual particles (moving energy)
  • As the temperature increases, they move faster

Impact on Collision Theory

  • If particles are moving faster, there are more collisions occuring
  • If particles are moving faster, they have more kinetic energy and are more likely to surpass the activation energy
  • This means that the probability that an individual collision is successful/effective also increases
  • Therefore, temperature affects both the number of collisions and the probability that they are successful (reaction occurs).