Finishing Science Fair
Science Fair - 10SCIE
Finn Le Sueur
Making Your Board
- Before next class: Purchase a
board from the Payment Center
- Fill out the Designing Science Fair Boards
slides on Classroom.
- Make the slides pretty, the font big, bold
- Add diagrams
- Ensure you have a graph/table showing your
- Include photos on separate slides
- Your logbook and
evaluation are very important!
- Let Mr Le Sueur know if you need it printed
Repeatability, Reliability and Validity
It is important to consider these three aspects of your experiment.
It is okay to need improvements, recognising where
improvements are needed is better than pretending you
did it perfectly. Being critical allows you to improve!
- Repeatable: A method is repeatable
if the same steps can be followed easily without anything going
- Reliable: An experiment is
reliable if each repetition produces similar results
- Valid: An experiment is valid if
you are actually measuring your intended variable - if no other
variables are interfering with your measurement.
Complete a short EP to help you write your conclusion.