Electron Configurations
pHun Reactions - 10SCIE
Finn Le Sueur
Akoranga Mahi Tuatahi
You may spend 15 minutes working on cutting out, and filling in your
flashcards on the first 20 elements!
If you finish that, you may spend the remainder of the time
practising with the flashcards š
Te WhÄinga Ako
- Write electron configurations for the first 20
Write the date and te whÄinga ako in your book
Recap: Electrons
- Negatively charged
- Very small
- Light
- Move fast
- Exist in orbitals/shells around the nucleus of
- In a neutral atom, there are the same number of
electrons as protons
Electron Arrangements
- Electrons are behind all chemical reactions
- They can be taken from one atom/molecule and given
to another one - thus causing a chemical reaction!
- They go around an atom in shells, but how
many go in each shell?
- Fill the shells from the inside to the
- Draw electrons as crosses: x
- First Shell
- Can hold up to 2 electrons
- Second Shell
- Can hold up to 8 electrons
- Third Shell
- Can hold up to 18 electrons
PÄtai: Magnesium
- What is the symbol for magnesium?
- How many protons does magnesium have?
- How many electrons does magnesium have?
- Write the electron configuration, e.g.: 2, 3
- Draw the electron configuration diagram (remember
to use crosses!)
- Find your worksheet from last class
- For each element, write the electron configuration:
- Hint: See the Carbon row!
- Collect an electron configuration worksheet from
the front and draw the diagrams!
- Hint: Draw electrons as crosses like so: x
- Form into pairs
- Send one person to collect two battleship
- Follow the instructions on the front to play the