10SCIE - Introduction
Finn Le Sueur
I have done my best to generate you all into a seating plan. This is to help me learn your names!
Please collect your things and get into the seating plan!
Term 1 | Term 2 | Term 3 | Term 4 |
Ecology | pHun Reactions | Science Fair | Human Diseases |
Electricity | Fire & Fuels | Fire & Fuels | Revision/Exams |
Science Fair | Geology | End of Year | |
Human Diseases |
Name your folder with your form class code and my teacher code (LSF)
E.g. Doctor Who (10ABC) with LSF.
We will store all of your assessments in these folders so you can use them later in the year for revision! Always look after your test papers.
Assign goal grades and put in the first page of the clear-file
Open Google Classroom and find the survey
If you do not know your password, ask your teacher to reset it. It will become your first name lower case e.g. ‘finn’
Open Google Classroom and find the email filter instructions. Follow the document & ask if you are unclear!
Open and bookmark this URL: https://putaiao.lesueur.nz