Laboratory Expectations

10SCIE - Introduction

Finn Le Sueur


Laboratory Expectations & Safety

  • Safety is of utmost importance in the lab
  • Safety glasses are to be worn at all times when conducting experiments
  • Wear the larger glasses over your eye glasses
  • Always wash your hands with soap after using chemicals
  • No drinking or eating in the lab, even drink bottles
  • Long hair must be tied up
  • Loose jackets must be button/zipped up or taken off
  • Bags should be stowed under tables and away from the walking areas

Lab Tidying Guide

Collect a lab tidying guide from the front and glue it into the front cover of your exercise book.


Open Google Classroom and find the oxygen experiment.

  • Working in groups of up to 4, work through the experiment.
  • Learn where the equipment is, and try find your way through the experiment.
  • Ensure you follow your lab tidying guide at the end!