10SCIE - Geology
Finn Le Sueur
Mahi Tuatahi (20min)
Open Google Classroom
Click on “Classwork”
Open the Local Geology document
Complete these questions using your notes from last
class, and any internet research that you want to do.
Akoranga 20 Whāinga Ako
Use plate tectonics to explain why and where
earthquakes occur
Tectonic Plates & Fault Lines
Tectonic plates are the major pieces of the crust
that slowly move across Earth’s mantle
These plates cannot slide smoothly past each other;
instead they get stuck and build up pressure and
This pressure and energy causes the crust to
fracture at fault lines
When the pressure and energy gets too high,
the rock can slip and cause an Earthquake!
Akoranga 21 Mahi Tuatahi
Complete this paragraph in your book.
The energy ________ travels outwards as _____. The point in the
Earth’s crust where this happens is called the _____, the point directly
above the focus on the Earth’s surface is called the _________.
Seismologists use ___________ to determine the magnitude and ________ of
Words: seismographs, focus, location, waves,
epicentre, released
Akoranga 21 Whāinga Ako
Use scientific language: epicenter, focus, p and s
Be able to locate and measure earthquakes
Recall: Divergent
Plate Boundaries
New crust is created by cooling magma in the
No earthquakes occur here
Forms a mid-ocean ridge, or a rift valley on
Volcanoes occur in the gap
Convergent Plate Boundaries
Oceanic crust is destroyed (melted in mantle)
Earthquakes occur here deep in the oceanic
Can form mountains and ocean
Volcanoes may occur near here
No crust is created or destroyed
Earthquakes occur near the surface
No mountains or trenches formed
No volcanic activity
Occur on the surface of transform boundaries
Occur deep underground at convergent
Minor ones may occur due to volcanic activity
Focus : The point underground where
the tectonic plates slip
Epicenter : The point on the
surface directly above the focus
Seismic Waves : Vibrations in the
crust caused by the violet release of energy over a short period of
time during an earthquake
Ngohe: Locating the
Earthquake Epicenter
Seismographs are placed in many locations around
New Zealand and the rest of the world.
They vibrate when earthquakes shake their
We can use three or more seismographs to
triangulate the epicenter of the earthquake.
Collect a worksheet from the front!
Draw a circle of the correct radius around each location and find the
earthquake epicenter!
Akoranga 22 Mahi Tuatahi
Seismic Waves
Seismic waves come in two different types of
vibration - they have slightly different properties which we need to
Make two columns in your book with the
headings P Waves and S
In the real world, earthquakes tend to be a mix of
p and s waves which creates a more complex motion.
P Waves
P for primary , because they travel
the fastest and arrive first during an earthquake.
Compression and extension in
the direction of the wave .
S Waves
S for secondary because they travel
slower than p waves .
Particles oscillate up and down
90deg to the direction of the wave .
Ngohe: Complete This
When the _________ is too much in the crust, an _________ will occur.
The point in the crust where it occurs is called the _________. The
first ________ waves to reach the surface are the ________; the point
they first appear at is called the ________. The next type of waves to
arrive are the _________. They arrive second because they are _________
than the first waves. P-waves have a ________ and ________ pattern while
S-waves have a ________ and _________ motion. In reality, earthquakes
are a combination of both of these wave types.
Words : compression, secondary (s) waves, expansion,
slower, earthquake, up, seismic, stress, primary (p) waves, down,
epicenter, focus
Akoranga 23 Mahi Tuatahi
Open the Weathering and Erosion on Banks Peninsula
doc from last week on Google Classroom
Review/complete Question 4
Be ready to contribute to a class answer
O Whāinga Ako
Use scientific language: Richter and Mercalli
Describe the function of a seismograph
Richter Scale
Developed for use around the San Adreas
Measures energy
Is only very accurate for that locality
Each number represents 31.6 times the energy of the
previous number!
Mercalli Intensity
Measures the impact on humans and the
It is more useful in a variety of locations
In reality, places like GeoNet use an average of
different scales to generate a more accurate and representative
magnitude number.
E.g. the Christchurch
Feb 11 quake
Assigning Magnitues to Historical NZ Earthquakes
Collect a sheet from the front
Glue it into your book
Read the left hand side about the different levels
of the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale
Work with the person next to your to decide what
magnitude you would assign it using the MMI scale
A seismograph is a device that vibrates as an
earthquake passes through it
This vibration is recorded as a series of
peaks/troughs on a graph
This graph can be used to calculate the maximum
acceleration of the ground and therefore help determine the magnitude of
the quake
There are many (52) seismographs
around New Zealand
They are used to get many measurements for a more
accurate magnitude value and to help locate the earthquake!