
Electricity - 10SCIE

Finn Le Sueur


Akoranga 25 Mahi Tuatahi

For \(V=IR\):

  1. State what each letter stands for
  2. Describe what the variable is measuring in a circuit
  3. State the unit that it is measured in.
  4. Draw a diagram of a circuit with a \(6V\) battery, and three \(2\Omega\) resistors in series.
  5. Calculate the current flowing through the circuit

Te Whāinga Ako

  1. Be able to describe and use the power equation \(P=IV\)

Write the date and te whāinga ako in your book


The amount of energy transferred/transformed each second by a circuit component (e.g. bulb or resistor).

\[\begin{aligned} &P &&= &&&I &&&&\times &&&&&V \newline &\downarrow && &&&\downarrow &&&& &&&&&\downarrow \newline &power &&= &&&current &&&&\times &&&&&voltage \newline &\downarrow && &&&\downarrow &&&& &&&&&\downarrow \newline &watts &&= &&&amperes &&&&\times &&&&&volts \newline &\downarrow && &&&\downarrow &&&& &&&&&\downarrow \newline &W && &&&A &&&& &&&&&V \end{aligned}\]

Pātai: Re-arranging the Equation

In pairs, can you re-arrange this equation to make \(V\) and \(I\) the subject of the equation?

$I = $ $V = $

Hint: Use your \(V=IR\) notes as a guide!


\[\begin{aligned} P = IV \newline V = \frac{P}{I} \newline I = \frac{P}{V} \end{aligned}\]