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Electricity / Hiko

Slides / Ngā Kirita🔗

  1. Static Electricity (Slides, PDF)
  2. Electrical Symbols (Slides, PDF)
  3. Conductors and Insulators (Slides, PDF)
  4. Charge, Current and Voltage (Slides, PDF)
  5. Resistance (Slides, PDF)
  6. Series and Parallel Circuits (Slides, PDF)
  7. Power (Slides, PDF)
  8. Vocabulary (Slides, PDF)
  9. Revision & Assessment Tips (Slides, PDF)

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Learning Outcomes / Ngā Whāinga Ako 🔗

  1. Electricity
    1. Explain how static electricity is created by the removal or addition of electric charge (and is measured in Coulombs)
    2. Describe electric current in terms of a moving flow of charge (Coulombs per second)
    3. Describe voltage in terms of the amount of electrical energy carried by each Coulomb of charge
    4. Describe how resistance controls the flow of electric current
    5. Describe power as the rate at which electrical energy is used
  2. Circuits
    1. Draw circuit diagrams (with power supply, wires, switch, voltmeter, ammeter, bulb, resistor, fuse)
    2. Construct series and parallel circuits
    3. Measure and explain the behaviour of voltage, current and resistance in series and parallel circuits
    4. Use Ohm’s Law ($V=IR$) and the power equation ($P=IV$)

Unit Plan / Mahere Kōwae 🔗

Akoranga 1 ()Akoranga 2 ()Akoranga 3 ()Akoranga 4 ()
T1 W61. Static Electricity 12. Static Electricity 23. Demos & Kite Experiment4. Demos & Burning Paper
T1 W75. Symbols & Diagrams6. Conductors & Insulators 17. Conductors & Insulators 28. Charge, Current & Voltage 1
T1 W89. Charge, Current & Voltage 210. Resistance 111. Resistance 212. Review/Catch-Up
T1 W913. $V = IR$ 114. $V = IR$ 215. (P) Conductors & Burning Resistors16. Easter Friday
T1 W1017. Easter Monday18. Easter Tuesday19. $V = IR$ 320. Fuses
T1 W1121. Series & Parallel22. Series & Parallel 223. $P=IV$24. Electrical Safety & Revision
T2 W125. Revision 126. Revision 227. TEST24. pHun Reactions

Lesson Plans / Ngā Mahere Akoranga 🔗

Term 1, Week 6 🔗

  1. Static Electricity 1 🔗

    • Whakaritenga:
      • Print van der Graaf diagram unlabelled
    • Te Whāinga Ako
      • Explain how static electricity is created by the removal or addition of electric charge (and is measured in Coulombs)
    • Notes: Part 1 of 3 of Static Electricity slides
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Tūhura: Van der Graaf, balloons and static rods
  2. Static Electricity 2 🔗

    • Van der Graaf, electroscopes
    • Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  3. Demos & Kite Experiment 🔗

    • Dangers of static electricity
    • Spark generator
    • Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  4. Demos & Burning Paper 🔗

    • Whakakite: voltage burning paper
    • Jacob’s Ladder
    • Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:

Term 1, Week 7 🔗

  1. Symbols & Diagrams 🔗

    • Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  2. Conductors & Insulators 1 🔗

    • Whakamātau: testing conductors and insulators
    • Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  3. Conductors & Insulators 2 🔗

    • Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  4. Charge, Current & Voltage 1 🔗

    • Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:

Term 1, Week 8 🔗

  1. Charge, Current & Voltage 2 🔗

    • Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  2. Resistance 1 🔗

    • Whakamātau: Burning graphite and 10$\Omega$ resistors
    • Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  3. Charge, Current, Voltage 🔗

    • Whakaritenga
      • Print CO - Electric components - jigsaw game
    • Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako
      1. Describe electric current in terms of a moving flow of charge (Coulombs per second)
      2. Describe voltage in terms of the amount of electrical energy carried by each Coulomb of charge
    • Notes
      • Charge, Current and Voltage
    • Task/Ngohe
      • 10min to start to finish notes from last class
      • Kahoot
      • Notes on charge, current, voltage
      • Find the unknown voltage question
      • Jigsaw game/tākaro
  4. Review/Catch-Up 🔗

    • Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:

Term 1, Week 9 🔗

  1. $V=IR$ L1 🔗

    • Mahi Tuatahi
      • Open this PhET simulation on John Travoltage
      • Describe & explain what happens when you move his foot across the mat multiple times.
      • Describe & explain what happens when you bring his hand close to the door handle.
      • Investigate to see if there is a relationship between the amount of charge needed to cause a spark, and the distance of the hand to the door handle.
    • Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako
      1. Describe electric current in terms of a moving flow of charge (Coulombs per second)
      2. Describe voltage in terms of the amount of electrical energy carried by each Coulomb of charge
    • Make notes on current, voltage and resistance
    • Work through the questions
    • Work through the small PhET simulation tūhura/investigation embedded in the slides
  2. $V=IR$ L2 🔗

    • Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  3. (P): Insulators & Resistance 🔗

  4. Easter Friday 🔗

Term 1, Week 10 🔗

  1. Easter Monday 🔗

  2. Easter Tuesday 🔗

  3. $V=IR$ L3 🔗

    • Mahi Tuatahi
      • Quizlet
      • Finish the $V=IR$ worksheet from L15
    • Te Whāinga Ako:
      • Use Ohm’s Law ($V=IR$)
    • Task/Ngohe:
      • EP tasks on current electricity
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
      • Building circuits
  4. Fuses 🔗

Term 1, Week 11 🔗

  1. Series & Parallel 1 🔗

    • Ngā Whāinga Ako
      • Construct series and parallel circuits
      • Measure and explain the behaviour of voltage, current and resistance in series and parallel circuits
    • Notes: Follow Series and Parallel slides
    • Ngohe/Task: Worksheet to complete in parallel with the slides
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite: Mini series and parallel investigation inside slides
  2. Series & Parallel 2 🔗

    • Te Whāinga Ako
      • Measure and explain the behaviour of voltage, current in series and parallel circuits
    • Notes: Complete series and parallel slides
    • Task/Ngohe: Voltage and Current worksheet
    • Tākaro/Game: Quizlet
  3. Power 2 🔗

    • Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  4. Fruit Batteries 🔗

Term 2, Week 10 🔗

  1. Revision 1 🔗

  2. Revision 2 🔗

  3. Test 🔗

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