Slides / Ngā Kirita🔗
- Static Electricity (Slides, PDF)
- Electrical Symbols (Slides, PDF)
- Conductors and Insulators (Slides, PDF)
- Charge, Current and Voltage (Slides, PDF)
- Resistance (Slides, PDF)
- Series and Parallel Circuits (Slides, PDF)
- Power (Slides, PDF)
- Vocabulary (Slides, PDF)
- Revision & Assessment Tips (Slides, PDF)
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Learning Outcomes / Ngā Whāinga Ako 🔗
- Electricity
- Explain how static electricity is created by the removal or addition of electric charge (and is measured in Coulombs)
- Describe electric current in terms of a moving flow of charge (Coulombs per second)
- Describe voltage in terms of the amount of electrical energy carried by each Coulomb of charge
- Describe how resistance controls the flow of electric current
- Describe power as the rate at which electrical energy is used
- Circuits
- Draw circuit diagrams (with power supply, wires, switch, voltmeter, ammeter, bulb, resistor, fuse)
- Construct series and parallel circuits
- Measure and explain the behaviour of voltage, current and resistance in series and parallel circuits
- Use Ohm’s Law ($V=IR$) and the power equation ($P=IV$)
Unit Plan / Mahere Kōwae 🔗
Akoranga 1 () | Akoranga 2 () | Akoranga 3 () | Akoranga 4 () | |
T1 W6 | 1. Static Electricity 1 | 2. Static Electricity 2 | 3. Demos & Kite Experiment | 4. Demos & Burning Paper |
T1 W7 | 5. Symbols & Diagrams | 6. Conductors & Insulators 1 | 7. Conductors & Insulators 2 | 8. Charge, Current & Voltage 1 |
T1 W8 | 9. Charge, Current & Voltage 2 | 10. Resistance 1 | 11. Resistance 2 | 12. Review/Catch-Up |
T1 W9 | 13. $V = IR$ 1 | 14. $V = IR$ 2 | 15. (P) Conductors & Burning Resistors | 16. |
T1 W10 | 17. | 18. | 19. $V = IR$ 3 | 20. Fuses |
T1 W11 | 21. Series & Parallel | 22. Series & Parallel 2 | 23. $P=IV$ | 24. Electrical Safety & Revision |
T2 W1 | 25. Revision 1 | 26. Revision 2 | 27. TEST | 24. pHun Reactions |
Lesson Plans / Ngā Mahere Akoranga 🔗
Term 1, Week 6 🔗
Static Electricity 1 🔗
- Whakaritenga:
- Print van der Graaf diagram unlabelled
- Te Whāinga Ako
- Explain how static electricity is created by the removal or addition of electric charge (and is measured in Coulombs)
- Notes: Part 1 of 3 of Static Electricity slides
- Task/Ngohe:
- Tūhura: Van der Graaf, balloons and static rods
- Whakaritenga:
Static Electricity 2 🔗
- Van der Graaf, electroscopes
- Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
- Notes:
- Task/Ngohe:
- Whakamātau/Whakakite:
Demos & Kite Experiment 🔗
- Dangers of static electricity
- Spark generator
- Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
- Notes:
- Task/Ngohe:
- Whakamātau/Whakakite:
Demos & Burning Paper 🔗
- Whakakite: voltage burning paper
- Jacob’s Ladder
- Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
- Notes:
- Task/Ngohe:
- Whakamātau/Whakakite:
Term 1, Week 7 🔗
Symbols & Diagrams 🔗
- Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
- Notes:
- Task/Ngohe:
- Whakamātau/Whakakite:
Conductors & Insulators 1 🔗
- Whakamātau: testing conductors and insulators
- Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
- Notes:
- Task/Ngohe:
- Whakamātau/Whakakite:
Conductors & Insulators 2 🔗
- Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
- Notes:
- Task/Ngohe:
- Whakamātau/Whakakite:
Charge, Current & Voltage 1 🔗
- Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
- Notes:
- Task/Ngohe:
- Whakamātau/Whakakite:
Term 1, Week 8 🔗
Charge, Current & Voltage 2 🔗
- Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
- Notes:
- Task/Ngohe:
- Whakamātau/Whakakite:
Resistance 1 🔗
- Whakamātau: Burning graphite and 10$\Omega$ resistors
- Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
- Notes:
- Task/Ngohe:
- Whakamātau/Whakakite:
Charge, Current, Voltage 🔗
- Whakaritenga
- Print CO - Electric components - jigsaw game
- Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako
- Describe electric current in terms of a moving flow of charge (Coulombs per second)
- Describe voltage in terms of the amount of electrical energy carried by each Coulomb of charge
- Notes
- Charge, Current and Voltage
- Task/Ngohe
- 10min to start to finish notes from last class
- Kahoot
- Notes on charge, current, voltage
- Find the unknown voltage question
- Jigsaw game/tākaro
- Whakaritenga
Review/Catch-Up 🔗
- Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
- Notes:
- Task/Ngohe:
- Whakamātau/Whakakite:
Term 1, Week 9 🔗
$V=IR$ L1 🔗
- Mahi Tuatahi
- Open this PhET simulation on John Travoltage
- Describe & explain what happens when you move his foot across the mat multiple times.
- Describe & explain what happens when you bring his hand close to the door handle.
- Investigate to see if there is a relationship between the amount of charge needed to cause a spark, and the distance of the hand to the door handle.
- Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako
- Describe electric current in terms of a moving flow of charge (Coulombs per second)
- Describe voltage in terms of the amount of electrical energy carried by each Coulomb of charge
- Make notes on current, voltage and resistance
- Work through the questions
- Work through the small PhET simulation tūhura/investigation embedded in the slides
- Mahi Tuatahi
$V=IR$ L2 🔗
- Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
- Notes:
- Task/Ngohe:
- Whakamātau/Whakakite:
(P): Insulators & Resistance 🔗
- PhET simulation
- Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
- Notes:
- Task/Ngohe:
- Whakamātau/Whakakite:
Easter Friday🔗
Term 1, Week 10 🔗
Easter Monday🔗Easter Tuesday🔗$V=IR$ L3 🔗
- Mahi Tuatahi
- Quizlet
- Finish the $V=IR$ worksheet from L15
- Te Whāinga Ako:
- Use Ohm’s Law ($V=IR$)
- Task/Ngohe:
- EP tasks on current electricity
- Whakamātau/Whakakite:
- Building circuits
- Mahi Tuatahi
Fuses 🔗
- Whakakite: burning steel wool
- Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
- Notes:
- Task/Ngohe:
- Whakamātau/Whakakite:
Term 1, Week 11 🔗
Series & Parallel 1 🔗
- Ngā Whāinga Ako
- Construct series and parallel circuits
- Measure and explain the behaviour of voltage, current and resistance in series and parallel circuits
- Notes: Follow Series and Parallel slides
- Ngohe/Task: Worksheet to complete in parallel with the slides
- Whakamātau/Whakakite: Mini series and parallel investigation inside slides
- Ngā Whāinga Ako
Series & Parallel 2 🔗
- Te Whāinga Ako
- Measure and explain the behaviour of voltage, current in series and parallel circuits
- Notes: Complete series and parallel slides
- Task/Ngohe: Voltage and Current worksheet
- Tākaro/Game: Quizlet
- Te Whāinga Ako
Power 2 🔗
- Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
- Notes:
- Task/Ngohe:
- Whakamātau/Whakakite:
Fruit Batteries 🔗
- Ngā/Te Whāinga Ako:
- Notes:
- Task/Ngohe:
- Whakamātau/Whakakite:
Term 2, Week 10 🔗
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