Environmental Factors
Ecology - 10SCIE
Finn Le Sueur
Akoranga 10 Mahi Tuatahi
- What is the bottom level of an energy pyramid?
- Where is some energy lost on each
level of an energy pyramid?
- Give two examples of resources that organisms
compete for.
- Explain why organisms compete for these
Collect a whiteboard & answer these questions in pairs.
Te Whāinga Ako
- Define the terms and give examples of abiotic and
biotic factors that affect organisms
Write the date and te whāinga ako in your book
Organisms and Survival
- Organisms compete with each other for
- We can break down the factors which affect an
organism into two groups:
- Biotic: living factors
- Abiotic: non-living factors
Biotic Factors
Biotic describes a living component of an ecosystem
- All living things (plants, animals, fungi,
Abiotic Factors
Non-living chemical and physical factors in the environment
- Water, light wind, soil, humidity, minerals, gases,
pH, salinity
Tākaro: Hit the Board
- One student on each side of the board.
- When a word is called, hit the relevant
Kēmu Patapatai/Quiz
Open Google Classroom on your device and complete the Google Forms quiz