
Ecology - 10SCIE

Finn Le Sueur


Akoranga 11 Mahi Tuatahi

  1. Describe the role of the raccoon in the food web
  2. What are some resources that the raccoon will compete with other raccoons for?
  3. Discuss: Why can some racoons compete for resources better than other racoons?

Te Whāinga Ako

  1. Define and list some structural, behavioural and physiological adaptation for different plants and animals.

Write the date and te whāinga ako in your book


  • An attribute of an organism that helps them compete so they can survive and reproduce
  • They come in three categories: structural/physical, physiological, behavioural


Physical features of an organism like the bill on a bird or the fur on a bear.

  • Humans evolved standing upright on two feet (bipedalism) which allowed us to do long distance running to catch food & migrate


Metabolic or physiologic adjustment within the cell, or tissues, of an organism. Internal chemical processes.

  • The human metabolic system (conversion of sugar into energy/heat) increases when we are cold in order to keep us warmer


The things organisms do to survive. For example, bird calls and migration.

  • Humans learned to use tools to create warm clothes/indoor environments so that we can survive cold areas

Tūhura: Adaptations of the Human Hand

  1. Open Google Classroom
  2. Open the Adaptations of the Human Hand document
  3. Work with your partner to complete the investigation & questions

Akoranga 12 Mahi Tuatahi Tahi


Brainstorm/research with your partner, what the adaptations for this organism are.

Whakatika Tahi


Extra: Categorise the adaptations into behavioural/physiological/structural

Pātai Rua


Brainstorm/research with your partner, what the adaptations for this organism are.

Whakatika Rua


Extra: Categorise the adaptations into behavioural/physiological/structural

Pātai Toru


Brainstorm/research with your partner, what the adaptations for this organism are.

Whakatika Toru


Extra: Categorise the adaptations into behavioural/physiological/structural

Te Whāinga Ako

  1. Relate an organisms adaptations back to its niche.

Write the date and te whāinga ako in your book


  • Not cardiovascular fitness, but evolutionary fitness
  • This means: how well you are adapted to your environment
  • How well you can compete for resources, survive and reproduce!
  • Better adaptations leads to greater ability to compete and reproduce!

Tūhura: Design a Species

  1. Open Google Classroom
  2. Open the Design a Species document
  3. Individually, work to complete the activity