Akoranga 7 Mahi Tuatahi 🔗
- Get our your laptop or phone
- Get open www.kahoot.it
Te Whāinga Ako 🔗
- Describe the structure of bacteria and Fungi, labelling the important structures
Write the date and te whāinga ako in your book
Micro-Organisms 🔗
- Micro-organisms/microbes are too small to see with the naked eye
- They are either unicellular (made of one cell), or a small group of cells
- Two main categories: bacteria and fungi
Bacteria 🔗
- Single celled organism (unicellular)
- Typically a few micrometers in size ($0.000001m$)
- Come in many different shapes (e.g. spirals, rods, spheres)
Structure of Bacteria 🔗
- Stick in your unlabelled bacteria diagram
- Label these structures!
- Vacuole
- Nucleus
- Cell membrane
- Cytoplasm
- Mitochondria
- Lipid globules
Fungi (Decomposers) 🔗
- Made of clusters of cells
- Fungi are sometimes too small to see, but once the group of cells gets too large it becomes visible to the naked eye
- Get their food by absorbing dissolved organic molecules
Function of Fungi 🔗
- Fungi exist in ecosystems to break down dead organic matter into small molecules that are able to be be used by other living things
- This is so that energy and nutrients can be reused!
Structure of Fungi 🔗
- Mycelium
- Spore
- Reproductive Structure
- Hyphae
Tūhura: Fungi 🔗
- In desk pairs, collect a bag, slice of bread and permanent marker
- Write your names on the bag
- Write the date (12/02/2021)
- Choose a place/thing to wipe the bread on - put this label on your bread
- Everyone should do somewhere different
- Expose the bread to your surface, seal the bag and pin it to the board!
Tākaro/Game 🔗
Open https://joinmyquiz.com and get ready to play!
Akoranga 8 Mahi Tuatahi 🔗
- Collect a whiteboard from the front of the room
- In pairs, try your best to draw and label a diagram of a fungi from memory
- Extra: Explain the function/role of fungi in ecosystems
Ngā Whāinga Ako 🔗
- Describe how fungi feed by extra-cellular digestion
- Describe the role and importance of decomposers in an ecosystem
Write the date and ngā whāinga ako in your book
Why are Decomposers Important? 🔗
They allow energy and nutrients to be recycled through an ecosystem.
Extracellular Digestion 🔗
- Cell membrane: a semi-permeable membrane
- What does semi-permeable mean?
- Only some things (semi) can go through it (permeable)!
- Extra (outside), cellular (cell), digestion (break down)
- Most food is made of large carbohydrate molecules
- It is hard to absorb such large molecules through the membrane, so extracellular digestion is needed to break the carbohydrates into smaller sugars
- Humans, bacteria, fungi and other organisms all use/creat enzymes to break down molecules in extracellular digestion.
- Enzymes are molecular machines that can perform specific functions in biology e.g break some molecules down (or join them together)!
Bread Tūhura/Investigation 🔗
- In humans we do extracellular digestion in our mouths, with the enzymes in our saliva!
- Take a piece of bread here, mush it up in your mouth but don’t swallow it! Over time your should notice the flavour start to change. What do you observe?
Ngohe/Activity 🔗
Open the TedED link on Google Classroom, watch the video and then answer the questions associated with it.