Akoranga 13 Mahi Tuatahi 🔗
- Collect a whiteboard from the front
- In pairs, name and describe the process through which decomposers gain nutrients from the surroundings
- Extra: Quickly explain why it is important!
Te Whāinga Ako 🔗
- Describe the carbon cycle and its importance.
Write the date and te whāinga ako in your book
Recall: Decomposers 🔗
- They break down dead organic matter at each trophic level
- They do this through extracellular digestion where they excrete enzymes, which can break down all kinds of things.
- Some of the nutrients is used by the decomposers for growth,
- but most is left back into the soil to be used by producers for growth and repair!
Carbon-Based Life 🔗
- Every living thing on Earth that we have discovered is made of essentially long chains of carbon atoms!
- We can follow the carbon cycle to find out about life processes, just like we can follow the energy cycle!
The Carbon Cycle 🔗
Sketch this cycle into your book.
Photosynthesis 🔗
The process of turning light energy and carbon dioxide into sugar.
- Recall from Year 9 the equation for photosynthesis (write it in your book if you remember)
- $water + \text{carbon dioxide} \xrightarrow{\text{Light}} sugar + oxygen$
- Where does photosynthesis occur?
- What could happen to disrupt the amount of photosynthesis occurring?
- Why is photosynthesis important?
Answer these questions in pairs on your whiteboards.
Respiration 🔗
The process of turning sugar into energy for life.
- Write the equation in your book if you remember!
- $sugar + oxygen \rightarrow \text{carbon dioxide} + water + energy$
- Where does respiration occur?
- Why is $CO_{2}$ in the atmosphere relevant to us?
- What could occur to change the amount of $CO_{2}$ in the atmosphere in good/bad ways?
Answer these questions in pairs on your whiteboards.
Ngohe: Annotate Your Diagram 🔗
For each arrow in your carbon cycle diagram, write 2-3 sentences explaining why/how/the importance of what is happening.
If you need to research on your device, that is allowed.
Work individually.
EP Task 🔗
- Open the Composting and the Carbon Cycle task on Education Perfect
- Work individually to complete the task
- Make notes in your exercise book about any new information you encounter
- Once done, open the vocabulary Quizlet and get practicing!
Te Whāinga Ako 🔗
- Be able to use habitat, niche, and community in an Ecology context.
Write the date and te whāinga ako in your book