Why Have a Wick?
10SCIE - Fire & Fuels
Finn Le Sueur
Ngā Whāinga Ako
- To be able to explain the function of a wick
What do you think a wick is for?
Capillary Action
- Liquids can flow into narrow spaces, even against
the direction of gravity.
- E.g. paper in water, paint brushes sucking up
water, a thin tube in water.
- The surface tension and adhesive forces between the
liquid and container propel the water into the narrow space.
- Pātai: Why is capillary action important?
- Whakatika: Because it increases the surface
area of the liquid. This allows it to evaporate more easily!
- Fuels need to be gaseous and mixed with oxygen to
Wick Whakamātau
- Safety
- Whakamātau read through
- Check understanding each step
- Explain must do Qs 1,2,3 during whakamātau
- Timeframe (20mins)
- Clean up check
Discussion Points
- Why didn’t the solid paraffin wax ignite?
- Did the liquid wax ignite? Why/ why not?
- How does the wick allow the wax to burn? (think
about last lesson’s whakamātau)
- Why doesn’t the wick burn? (clue: evaporation and