Products of Combustion
10SCIE - Fire & Fuels
Finn Le Sueur
Akoranga 6 Mahi Tuatahi
Collect a crossword as you come in
Glue it into your book
You have 10min to complete the crossword!
Ngā Whāinga Ako
Be able to describe the products of combustion
Be able to perform the pop, limewater and lighted
splint gas tests
Be able to determine the products of combustion
through experiment
Write the date and ngā whāinga ako in your book.
Combustion is a very predictable formula. Every
time something is burned, water is produced, along with
a mixture of carbon dixoide , carbon
monoxide and carbon .
It can be a chain reaction
Collect a products of combustion sheet and glue it into your exercise
Testing for Water
In fact we can use cobalt (II) chloride
The paper goes pink in the presence of water
It can be dehydrated and re-used
Fill out the water test section of your products of combustion sheet!
In pairs, try and recall from Y9, the tests for
carbon dioxide, oxygen and hydrogen gas.
Get out a device and research the gas tests, just
to be sure.
Add notes and diagrams to your Products of
Combustion sheet.
Open to page 7 of your workbook: What is
produced when a candle burns?
Read through the whakamātau carefully
Come up to the demo bench
Form into groups of 3-5 and collect the required
Conduct the whakamātau (20min)
Clean up your station