Fire & Fuels Introduction

10SCIE - Fire & Fuels

Finn Le Sueur


Mahi Tuatahi

  1. Collect and glue in the learning outcomes for this unit
  2. Look up the temperature at which these fuels burn and place them in order from coolest to hottest.
    • Wood, petrol, candle, LPG, coal


  1. Wood (\(275^{\circ}\))
  2. Petrol (\(280^{\circ}\))
  3. Candle (\(390^{\circ}\))
  4. LPG (\(500^{\circ}\))
  5. Coal (\(750^{\circ}\))

Fire and Fuels

  • ~5 weeks of learning
  • A break for Science Fair in the middle
  • Assessment takes three periods

Ngā Whāinga Ako

  • Refresh lab safety
  • Burns first-aid
  • Refresh chemistry knowledge

Lab Safety

  • Must wear safety glasses at all times when performing experiments
  • Must tie up long hair
  • Must attend to loose clothing


  • Tell Mr Le Sueur
  • Run under cold water for at least 20 minutes.