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Fire & Fuels Introduction

Mahi Tuatahi 🔗

  1. Collect and glue in the learning outcomes for this unit
  2. Look up the temperature at which these fuels burn and place them in order from coolest to hottest.
    • Wood, petrol, candle, LPG, coal

Whakatika 🔗

  1. Wood ($275^{\circ}$)
  2. Petrol ($280^{\circ}$)
  3. Candle ($390^{\circ}$)
  4. LPG ($500^{\circ}$)
  5. Coal ($750^{\circ}$)

Fire and Fuels 🔗

Ngā Whāinga Ako 🔗

Lab Safety 🔗


Burns 🔗