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The Fire Triangle

Combustion 🔗

Chemical Reaction: When two or more substances interact (react) to form new products

Akoranga 2 Mahi Tuatahi 🔗

  1. Write the ingredients you think we need for combustion to occur.

Whakatika 🔗

  1. Fuel
  2. Oxygen
  3. Heat

Ngā Whāinga Ako 🔗

  1. List the three things needed for a fire to occur
  2. Explain how a fire is extinguished and relate it to the fire triangle
  3. Explain that fuels must be in the gas phase to burn

Write the date and ngā whāinga ako in your book

The Fire Triangle 🔗


Like a house, if one of the “walls” are missing, fire cannot occur.

Copy this diagram and note into your book.

Matapiki/Discussion 🔗

Turn to the person next you and discuss, when fighting a wildfire, how can you remove each of the three sides of the fire triangle.


Whakamātau/Experiment 🔗

  1. Open your booklet to page 10
  2. In your table groups collect the required equipment + a heat proof mat and set up your station
  3. Ensure you have completed 1-3
  4. Mr Le Sueur will turn on the gas when we are all ready
  5. Complete the rest of the experiment, making observations about the experiment on the next page.