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Complete vs Incomplete Combustion

Ngā Whāinga Ako 🔗

Complete Combustion 🔗

Incomplete Combustion 🔗

Carbon Dioxide 🔗

Carbon dioxide contributes to global warming by trapping heat in Earth’s atmosphere.

Carbon Monoxide 🔗

Carbon Monoxide binds to your red blood cells more strongly than oxygen, causing less oxygen to be carried and for you to suffocate.

Productswater, carbon dioxidewater, carbon monoxide
Environmental ImpactCarbon dioxide contributes to global warmingCarbon monoxide is deadly

Tūhura 🔗

  1. Use an orange flame to heat 100mL water
  2. Record the start temperature
  3. Record the temperature every 30seconds for five minutes
  4. Repeat using a blue flame
  5. Graph results
  6. Describe the energy release by both types of combustion

Conclusion 🔗

  1. What is the reason the flame has less heat in incomplete combustion?
  2. What type of energy does the energy convert into after heat (in the water)?
  3. Did all of the energy go into the water? Explain your answer.
  4. What changes would you make to this whakamātau to make it more reliable or valid? (think control variables)