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Fire & Fuels / Ahi me Ngā Kora Mātātoka

Slides / Ngā Kirita🔗

  1. Fire & Fuels Introduction (Slides, PDF)
  2. The Fire Triangle (Slides, PDF)
  3. Why Have a Wick? (Slides, PDF)
  4. Products of Combustion (Slides, PDF)
  5. Fire Extinguishers (Slides, PDF)
  6. Complete vs Incomplete Combustion (Slides, PDF)
  7. Hydrocarbons (Slides, PDF)
  8. Balancing Equations (Slides, PDF)
  9. Environmental Impact (Slides, PDF)

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Learning Outcomes / Ngā Whāinga Ako 🔗

  1. Fire Triangle

    1. Describe the fire triangle
    2. List the three things needed for a fire to occur
    3. Explain that fuels must be in the gas phase to burn
    4. Explain how a fire is extinguished and relate it to the fire triangle
  2. Burning and Combustion

    1. Describe how a wick works and its function
    2. Describe the differences between complete and incomplete combustion
    3. Explain the disadvantages and dangers of incomplete combustion
    4. Write the word equation for complete combustion
    5. Write the balanced symbol equation for complete combustion
    6. Determine the energy produced per gram when burning fuels
    7. Recognise that a hydrocarbon contains only C and H atoms
    8. Name and write the formula for the first six hydrocarbons
  3. Environmental Impacts of Burning Fuels

    1. Explain the greenhouse effect and its advantages and disadvantages
    2. List the greenhouse gasses
    3. Explain how burning fuels is contributing to the greenhouse effect
    4. List air pollutants which are produced from fossil fuels and describe their effects on human health

Unit Plan / Mahere Kōwae 🔗

Akoranga 1Akoranga 2Akoranga 3Akoranga 4
T2 W71. Fire Triangle 12. Fire Triangle 23. Why Have a Wick?4. Fire & Fuels
T2 W85. Fire & Fuels6. Fire & Fuels7. Fire & Fuels8. Fire & Fuels
T2 W99. Fire & Fuels10. Science Fair11. Science Fair12. Science Fair
T2 W1013. Fire & Fuels14. Science Fair15. Science Fair16. Science Fair
T3 W117. Science Fair18. Science Fair19. Science Fair20. Fire & Fuels
T3 W221. Environmental Impacts 122. Environmental Impacts 223. Health Implications 124. Health Implications 2
T3 W325. Assessment 126. TOD27. Assessment 228. Assessment 3

Lesson Plans / Ngā Mahere Akoranga 🔗

  1. Fire Triangle 1 🔗

    • Hand out LO
    • Hand out booklet
    • Intro to FF
    • Lab Safety
    • Ngā Whāinga Ako:
      • Refresh lab safety
      • Burns first-aid
      • Refresh chemistry knowledge
    • Notes: Fire Triangle
    • Whakamātau:
      • Heating Water pg. 10 of booklet
  2. Fire Triangle 2 🔗

    • Science Fair powerpoint
    • Ngā Whāinga Ako: +
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau:
      • Complete the Heating Water (pg. 10)
  3. Wicks 1 🔗

    • How do fuels burn?
    • Kerosene vs others
    • Ngā Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  4. Wicks 2 🔗

    • Ngā Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  5. Wick Experiment 🔗

  6. Burning Theory 🔗

    • Ngā Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  7. Burning Experiment 🔗

  8. Complete & Incomplete Combustion 2 🔗

    • Boil water on blue/orange flame & make graph
    • Limewater test
    • Ngā Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  9. Review/Catch-Up 🔗

    • Ngā Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  10. Energy from Fuels 🔗

    • Ngā Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  11. Fire Mysteries 🔗

    • Spontaneous human combustion, Penn & Teller, St Elmos, fire in space, Hindenburg
    • Ngā Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  12. Fire Extinguishers 🔗

    • Ngā Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  13. Environmental Impacts 1 🔗

    • Ngā Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  14. Environmental Impacts 2 🔗

    • Ngā Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  15. Health Implications 1 🔗

    • Ngā Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  16. Health Implications 2 🔗

    • Ngā Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  17. Revision 🔗

    • Ngā Whāinga Ako:
    • Notes:
    • Task/Ngohe:
    • Whakamātau/Whakakite:
  18. Assessment 1 🔗

  19. Assessment 2 🔗

  20. Assessment 3 🔗

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