The Milky Way
9SCIE - Space
Finn Le Sueur
Mahi Tuatahi
- Glue the diagram of the Big Bang into your book
(across two pages, or fold it in half)
- Open “The Scale of the Universe” on Google
Classroom and explore
The Laniakea Supercluster
- In the universe, galaxies come in large groups.
These groups are called superclusters!
- There are even superclusters of
- Our supercluster is called the Virgo
Supercluster and exists as part of the Laniakea
The Milky Way
Our galaxy, The Milky Way, is part of a group of
galaxies inside the Virgo Supercluster called
The Local Group
- We are in the Orion Arm, one of
the spiral arms of the Milky Way
- The Milky way is \(200,000ly\) in diameter, and \(2,000ly\) thick
This is galaxy ESO 121-6, a spiral galaxy like our own, but seen from
the side.
At the centre of our galaxy (and most others) is a supermassive black
hole that we orbit around!
The solar system orbits the supermassive black hole at a speed of
\(230,000\) meters per second, and
takes around 225 million years to do one rotation!
Task: Your Cosmic Address
- Glue in your postcard
- Write your cosmic address (on the right)
- Start with “The Universe” end with your actual
postal address here in Christchurch!
- Write a letter to an alien out in the universe (on
the left)
- Draw a little Earth in the poststamp box!