Supporting Life

9SCIE - Space

Finn Le Sueur


Mahi Tuatahi

Answer the last set of questions on your Reading Tables sheet.


  • Glue in your exoplanets sheet.
  • Answer the questions on the sheet as we watch through the video as a class.


  • Volcanism implies an active core of the planet.
  • This is important because it drives cycles that recycle nutrients, rocks and other materials.

\(CO_{2}\) Levels

  • \(CO_{2}\) is a greenhouse gas which helps warm up an atmosphere.
  • Too much causes extremely hot temperatures like Venus!

Ozone Layer

  • A layer of the atmosphere that protects us from UV radiation from the Sun.
  • This radiation causes cancer and kills microbial life - thus making it hard for life to evolve.
  • There is a hole above NZ which means we get more UV and therefore worse sunburn.

Distance from Star

  • Too far away is too cold, and too close is too hot.
  • Just the right distance is warm. This is called the Goldilocks Zone.


  • Implies the presence of water in the atmosphere.
  • Water is important for life!