Origin of the Universe

9SCIE - Space

Finn Le Sueur


About the Unit

  1. Origin of the universe & milky way
  2. Life cycle of stars
  3. Sun, moon, planets & eclipses
  4. Moon phases, the tides & seasons!

Where did the universe come from?

  • By looking into deep space we can look back in time to the early universe!
  • The oldest light we have observed is \(380,000\) years after the birth of the universe
  • So, what happened before?
  • We don’t know!

The Big Bang

  • This is the best theory that currently exists
  • Around 13.77 billion years ago the universe came into existence

Key Facts
  • It was \(0.000001\) seconds before the first proton was formed
  • Visible light was created after \(380,000\) years (cosmic background radiation)
  • Hydrogen forms at the same time
  • Our universe is continuing to expand!
  • Dark energy is the thing causing our universe to expand!
  • Hubble’s Law tells us, the further away something is, the faster it is moving!

Activity (Exit Pass)

  1. Draw a line down the centre of a blank page in your book
  2. Label the top of the line 13.8 billion years ago
  3. Label the bottom, “now”
  4. Open the link on Google Classroom get ready to add the following dates to your timeline:
13.8 billion years ago (BYA) 12.6 BYA 6.5 BYA 3 BYA
13.65 BYA 11.5 BYA 4.57 BYA 2.2 BYA
13.3 BYA 11 BYA 4.56 BYA 450 MYA
13.2 BYA 6.8 BYA 4.2 BYA 250 MYA
0.195 MYA

Interactive: Scale of the Universe

Open this link on your device and see the scale of the universe!


