Akoranga 5 Mahi Tuatahi 🔗
- Write the date in your books
- Write the order of the electromagnetic spectrum from lowest to highest energy (use your notes)
- Between which types of radiation does ultra violet radiation sit?
Ngā Whāinga Ako 🔗
- I can name some types of ionizing radiation
- I can explain why UV radiation is linked to skin cancer and why rates are relatively higher in NZ than in other countries
:::instruction Write ngā whāinga ako in your book :::
Ionizing Radiation 🔗
Radiation that has enough energy to detach electrons from atoms/molecules.
- This can break molecules and make them not function properly
- Pātai: What molecule is important to life?
- Whakatika: Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid (DNA)
:::instruction Write down three types of ionizing radiation :::
Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation 🔗
- Produced by the sun
- Can be partially blocked (absorbed) by the ozone ($O_{3}$) layer in the atmosphere
- Ozone is a colourless gas
Ozone Layer 🔗
- Pātai: Why is there a hole?
- Whakatika: We used to use chemicals called chloroflurocarbons (CFCs) in aerosol cans. These chemicals break down the ozone layer!
- The ozone layer very slowly naturally repairs itself, so since we stopped using them, it is slowly getting better!
Cleaning 🔗
- Clean the whiteboard with spray
- Empty the recycling bin (by W block)
- Get a cloth - spray and wipe all student desks
- Get a cloth - spray and wipe all lab benches
- Get a cloth - spray and wipe all window sills
- Ensure all desks are straight and chairs pushed in
- Use a scrubbing brush to clean all sinks & put rubbish in bins
Ngohe: Reading 🔗
This article on the ozone layer is posted on Google Classroom. Find it and give it a read!