Visible Light

9SCI - Radiation and the Human Body

Finn Le Sueur


Mahi Tuatahi

  1. Collect a sheet from the front
  2. Cut up the words and definitions
  3. Match them up and glue it into your book!

Ngā Whāinga Ako

  1. I understand that visible light is made up of different wavelengths of light

Electromagnetic (EM) Spectrum / Tūāwhiorangi Autōhiko

Source: Britannica

Visible light/Aho Kitea

Light is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum which can be seen by the human eye.

Ko te whānuitanga o ngā ngaru autōhiko. I tētahi pito ko ngā ngaru roa he pōturi te auautanga (ngaru reo irirangi), i tētahi pito ko ngā ngaru poto he tere te auautanga (ngaru kama). Ko te aho e kitea ana e te karu tangata, tētahi wāhanga o te tūāwhiorangi autōhiko.

Luminous Objects

  • Luminous objects are objects that give off their own visible light, they are sources of visible light.
  • Light waves travel very fast and in a straight line from the source of the light, at a speed of 300,000 kilometres per second (300,000 km/s).
  • Task: Name as many luminous objects as you can think of.

What are Colours?

  • Colours are different wavelengths/roa o te ngaru of visible light
  • White light is made up of all the different colours/wavelengths/roa o te ngaru!
Source: Dulux

Whakakite: Prisms/Ngā Poro

  • When white light passes through a prism/poro, the different wavelengths are bent at different angles
  • This causes them to separate, and all the different colours to become visible

Whakakite: Newton’s Wheel

  • We can combine the colours of the spectrum to create white light!

What about Colour Blindness?

  • When your eyes cannot distinguish between different colours
  • Genetic condition, inherited from your parents!

Whakamātau: Colour Blindness Test

Open the link on Google Classroom to take a colour blindness test!