UV Radiation
9SCIE - Radiation and the Human Body
Finn Le Sueur
Akoranga 5 Mahi Tuatahi
- Write the date in your books
- Write the order of the electromagnetic spectrum
from lowest to highest energy (use your notes)
- Between which types of radiation does ultra
violet radiation sit?
Ngā Whāinga Ako
- I can name some types of ionizing radiation
- I can explain why UV radiation is linked to skin
cancer and why rates are relatively higher in NZ than in other
Write ngā whāinga ako in your book
Ionizing Radiation
Radiation that has enough energy to detach electrons from
- This can break molecules and make them not function
- Pātai: What molecule is important
to life?
- Whakatika: Deoxyribose Nucleic
Acid (DNA)
Source: Polimaster
Write down three types of ionizing radiation
Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation
- Produced by the sun
- Can be partially blocked (absorbed) by the ozone
(\(O_{3}\)) layer in the
- Ozone is a colourless gas
Ozone Layer
- Pātai: Why is there a hole?
- Whakatika: We used to use
chemicals called chloroflurocarbons (CFCs) in aerosol cans.
These chemicals break down the ozone layer!
- The ozone layer very slowly naturally repairs
itself, so since we stopped using them, it is slowly getting
- Clean the whiteboard with spray
- Empty the recycling bin (by W block)
- Get a cloth - spray and wipe all student desks
- Get a cloth - spray and wipe all lab benches
- Get a cloth - spray and wipe all window sills
- Ensure all desks are straight and chairs pushed
- Use a scrubbing brush to clean all sinks & put
rubbish in bins