Seed Dispersal
9SCIE - Plants as Producers
Finn Le Sueur
Mahi Tuatahi
- Collect the two sheets from the front of the class
and glue them into your book.
- Quietly read through the two sheets once you have
done that.
Ngā Whāinga Ako
- Describe plant growth, reproduction,
dispersal and why bees are so important.
Task 1: Seed Dispersal Tauria
This sheet contains tauria of seeds and how they are dispersed.
- Glue this sheet into your book
- Make sure any excess paper goes into the recycling
- Fill in the blanks using your previous notes and
the paragraphs on the worksheet
Task 2: Practice Spelling
& Flashcards
There is a set of flashcards and a spelling exercise on Google
Classroom in Classwork.
- Spend 10 minutes doing “Hear and Spell”,
“1 Missing Letter” or “2 Missing Letters” on
- Review the flashcards on Quizlet using any play
style you like