
9SCIE - Plants as Producers

Finn Le Sueur


Mahi Tuatahi:

  1. Open your book to a new page
  2. Put the date at the top
  3. Glue diagram into the middle of a page.
  4. Label above the diagram Plant Cell.

A: Chloroplasts (Plants Only)

These organelles (cell organs) contain chlorophyll which make them green. These organelles do photosynthesis - the way plants get energy from the Sun!

B: Central Vacuole

Holds water and provides turgidity (inflation). The water is needed to do photosynthesis.

C: Cytoplasm

A semi-liquid substance that holds the organelles and nutrients. A bit like blood in mammals.

D: Cell Wall (Plants Only)

Provides structure to the cell, a bit like your skeleton provides structure to you.

E: Nucleus

Contains genetic information - DNA. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid and it is what makes you, you!

Different Cells: Roots

Not all cells are the same. For example, roots on plants have root hairs which help with water absorption.

Plant vs Animal Cells