Filtering Water
9SCIE - Introduction to Pūtaiao
Finn Le Sueur
Filtering Water
- Get your exercise book out quietly
- Collect a sheet and glue it into your book
How can science/pūtaiao help?
Brainstorm and write a couple of things down.
Complete Step 3. Measuring Equipment
Return to your seat when done.
Complete Step 4. Measuring Dirt
Return to your seat when done.
Complete Step 5. Measure and then weigh 100ml of water in a
measuring cylinder.
Return to your seat when done.
Complete Step 6. Mix your dirt and water
Return to your seat when done.
Complete Step 7. Set up a conical flask with a filter funnel and
filter paper.
Return to your seat when done.
Complete Step 8. Filter the dirty water
Return to your seat when done.
Complete Step 9. Measure the weight of the water and the sand.
Record the weights.
Return to your seat when done.