Trustworthiness 🔗
- Be honest
- Don’t deceive, cheat or steal
- Be reliable
- Be loyal
- Have the courage to do the right thing
- Build a good reputation
- Keep your promises
Respect 🔗
- Treat others with respect
- Be understanding of differences
- Use good manners, don’t use bad language
- Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone
- Be considerate of the feelings of others
Rsponsibility 🔗
- Do what you are supposed to do
- Persevere
- Always do your best
- Use self-control
- Be self-disciplined
- Think before you act
- Be accountable for your choices
Fairness 🔗
- Play by the rules
- Take turns and share
- Be open-minded and listen to others
- Don’t take advantage of others
- Don’t blame others carelessly
Caring 🔗
- Be kind
- Be compassionate and show you care
- Express gratitude
- Forgive others
- Help people in need
Citizenship 🔗
- Do your chare to make your school/community better
- Cooperate
- Be a good neighbour
- Obey laws and rules; respect authority
- Protect the environment
Situation 1 🔗
You have a friend who is always late. Sometimes five minutes, sometimes 45 minutes. They are late to hang out, late to sport, late to dinner, late to the movies, late to group things and late to individual things.
They always have an excuse: had to shower, traffic was bad, had to put out the washing etc.
Pātai: Does this friend meet the six pillars of character? Why or why not? Discuss with your group.
Situation 2 🔗
You have a family member who is afraid of getting sick with COVID-19. You go to the supermarket and the customer next to your in the line is coughing - a phlegm-filled, cough. They’re not wearing a mask and barely cover their mouth.
- Pātai: What are the moral and character failings of this person with regards to trustworthiness, respsect, responsibility, fairness, caring, citizenship?
- Pātai: How could their actions be different?
- Pātai: Consider yourself. Do you think you’ve ever been that person?
9HUL Pact 🔗
Goal: To brainstorm ten rules / guidelines to follow in order to display excellent character in class.