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Laboratory Expectations

Laboratory Stations 🔗

There are 10 stations around the lab. Each station will have 3-4 students, and you will work with the same students for the whole year unless I move you around.

You are responsible for the cleanliness and equipment at your station!

Laboratory Equipment 🔗

The Orange Towel 🔗

The Red Boards 🔗

Rubbish 🔗

Finishing an Whakamātau 🔗

After finishing an whakamātau it is important to make sure the equipment is clean and placed neatly into the tray for the next class.

You must clean the gear you have used before placing it in the tray.

Finally 🔗

5 minutes before the end of class the teacher will inspect equipment and sink for each group. If the gear is not acceptably tidy/clean you will have to do it again.

Place the tray under the bench once the teacher has checked it.

Why do we have these rules? 🔗