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Filtering Water

Filtering Water 🔗

  1. Get your exercise book out quietly
  2. Collect a sheet and glue it into your book

How can science/pūtaiao help? 🔗

Brainstorm and write a couple of things down.

Complete Step 3. Measuring Equipment 🔗

Return to your seat when done.

Complete Step 4. Measuring Dirt 🔗

Return to your seat when done.

Complete Step 5. Measure and then weigh 100ml of water in a measuring cylinder. 🔗

Return to your seat when done.

Complete Step 6. Mix your dirt and water 🔗

Return to your seat when done.

Complete Step 7. Set up a conical flask with a filter funnel and filter paper. 🔗

Return to your seat when done.

Complete Step 8. Filter the dirty water 🔗

Return to your seat when done.

Complete Step 9. Measure the weight of the water and the sand. Record the weights. 🔗

Return to your seat when done.