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End of Year / Te Mutunga o te Tau

Unit Plan / Mahere Kōwae 🔗

Akoranga 1 (Mon/Tues)Akoranga 2 (Wed)Akoranga 3 (Fri)
T4 W41. Revision 12. Revision 23. Revision 3
T4 W54. EXAMS5. Revision 46. Show Day
T4 W67. Relief 18. TwE9. Eye Dissection
T4 W710.11. Relief 212. Antarctic Centre
T4 W813. X-Mas14. Junior Activities Day15. End of the Universe

Lesson Plans / Ngā Mahere Akoranga 🔗

  1. Revision 1 🔗

  2. Revision 2 🔗

  3. Revision 3 🔗

  4. EXAMS 🔗

  5. Revision 4 🔗

  6. Show Day 🔗

  7. Relief 1 🔗

    • Twisting the Dragon’s Tail Documentary Episode 1
  8. Thinking with Evidence Assessment 🔗

  9. Eye Dissection 🔗

  10. 🔗

  11. Relief 2 🔗

    • Twisting the Dragon’s Tail Documentary Episode 2
  12. Antarctic Centre 🔗

  13. X-Mas Party 🔗

  14. Junior Activities Day 🔗

  15. End of the Universe 🔗

  16. Tuesday Holiday 🔗

  17. HOLIDAYS! 🔗

  18. HOLIDAYS! 🔗

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